# customsubcategory=mapSetup=Map setup # customsubcategory=mapStyle=Map styling # customsubcategory=mapPersistence=Persistence # cat=plugin.tx_easygooglemap/enable/010; type=boolean; label= Include JQuery?: You can enable or disable JQuery in your project plugin.tx_easygooglemap.includeJquery = 1 # cat=plugin.tx_easygooglemap/enable/010; type=string; label= JQuery Source: Change jQuery Source - per default it will be loaded from extension. plugin.tx_easygooglemap.jquery = jquery-2.1.4.min.js plugin.tx_easygooglemap { view { # cat=plugin.tx_easygooglemap/file; type=string; label= String. Path to template root (FE). templateRootPath = EXT:easy_googlemap/Resources/Private/Templates/ # cat=plugin.tx_easygooglemap/file; type=string; label= String. Path to template partials (FE). partialRootPath = EXT:easy_googlemap/Resources/Private/Partials/ # cat=plugin.tx_easygooglemap/file; type=string; label= String. Path to template layouts (FE). layoutRootPath = EXT:easy_googlemap/Resources/Private/Layouts/ } persistence { # cat=plugin.tx_easygooglemap/mapPersistence/010; type=string; label= Storage PID: PageId of page containing locations. storagePid = } configuration { #cat=plugin.tx_easygooglemap/dims/010; type=string; label= Map height: String. The height of the map (e.g. 400px). Default: 350px. height = 350px #cat=plugin.tx_easygooglemap/dims/010; type=string; label= Map width: String. The width of the map (e.g. 900px). Default: auto. width = auto #cat=plugin.tx_easygooglemap/file/a; type=string; label= External CSS file: String. Path to css file. cssfile = #cat=plugin.tx_easygooglemap/mapSetup/a; type=string; label= Initial latitude: Decimal. Sets the initial latitude (e.g. 47.6464401). centerMapLatitude = #cat=plugin.tx_easygooglemap/mapSetup/a; type=string; label= Initial longitude: Decimal. Sets the initial longitude (e.g. 8.175880). centerMapLongitude = #cat=plugin.tx_easygooglemap/mapSetup/a; type=int+; label= Initial zoom: Integer [0 - 18]. Initial map zoom level. An integer value ranging from 0 (zoomed out) to 18 (zoomed in) inclusive. Default: 8. zoom = 8 #cat=plugin.tx_easygooglemap/mapStyle/a; type=int; label= Saturation: Integer [-100 - 100]. Shifts the saturation of colors by a percentage of the original value if decreasing and a percentage of the remaining value if increasing. Default: -98. saturation = -98 #cat=plugin.tx_easygooglemap/mapStyle/a; type=string; label= Gamma: Decimal. Modifies the gamma by raising the lightness to the given power. Valid values: [0.01, 10], with 1.0 representing no change. Default: 0.79. gamma = 0.79 #cat=plugin.tx_easygooglemap/mapSetup/a; type=string; label= Hidden categories: String. A comma-separated list of categories to fade out (e.g. poi.business, road.highway, ...). fadeoutcats = #cat=plugin.tx_easygooglemap/mapSetup/a; type=string; label= API key: String. the Google Maps API Endpoint apiEndpoint = https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js #cat=plugin.tx_easygooglemap/mapSetup/a; type=string; label= API key: String. the API Key for Google JavaScript MAP API under (https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/get-api-key) apiKey = #cat=plugin.tx_easygooglemap/mapSetup/a; type=string; label= API key: String. the API Key for Backend apiKeyBackend = #cat=plugin.tx_easygooglemap/mapSetup/a; type=string; label= Language: Google Maps API Language for example "de-ch" apiLanguage = } }